Sunday, November 28, 2010

Why Chastity?

There are actually a great number of men who enjoy being chaste and under the control of their female counterpart. Yes, I said, “enjoy.” Why would a man want to have some woman lock his cock up so that he can't even touch it for his own pleasure? I mean, really, does that make sense to you?

Of course it makes sense. There are many reasons why men love chastity. Probably the most common reason is love. That's right, I said, “love.” You see, when a man loves his wife (or girlfriend, or what have you) he wants her to be happy. By allowing her to take complete control of their sex life, he is showing her that he loves her.

If she holds the key (figuratively as well as physically) to his sexual desires, and can have anything she wants (sexually speaking), she will be much happier. Putting her man in a chastity device (be it a belt, a cage, or whatever) puts her in total control of their sex life. Now, with the promise of sexual satisfaction (an orgasm, or ejaculation if you prefer) she gets all her sexual desires (wants and needs) taken care of.

There are other reasons as well. Some simply fantasize so much about being sexually controlled, that they even put themselves in chastity while looking for a keyholder (KH). Still others want to be “forced” to perform humiliating acts. Chastity insures obedience. Well, in most cases.

You see, when a man has an orgasm (ejaculation) he loses all interest in sex. It's normal and biological, so he really has no choice. Quite often, his partner is left unsatisfied simply because he loses interest. So, when a man wants his partner to get more satisfaction, putting her (or him as the case may be) in charge of when (and if) he ejaculates makes perfect sense.

There is a certain logic to this. After all, many men will masturbate when other outlets for their sexual needs don't exist, or when their partner is not as attentive as they would like. Chastity can change his attitude toward his partner and make him more attentive to her (or him). Let's face it, being more attentive usually begets more attention. It's human nature.

So why don't men simply become more attentive and avoid the whole chastity thing? There are many reasons, but like I said, there is a biological effect that comes into play. There is also a huge psychological effect. Knowing that his partner holds the key to his happiness (as it were) he can relax. There is no more pressure to relieve himself. After all, he can't. His mind begins working on ways to get more sexual release, and that means he must be “nicer” to the KH than he probably was before chastity.

After only a short time (different for each person) the chaste will subconsciously begin to behave differently. Better? In most cases, “better” means more attentive, less aggressive, or even more cooperative. A more cooperative partner means a happier, healthier relationship.

I am not advocating that chastity is for everyone. But for those for whom it works, great! I have seen marriages saved by chastity. I have seen them ruined as well. I have seen woman whose sudden acquisition of power goes to their heads and they carry it all too far, thus, destroying what could have been a great relationship. But for the most part, I personally believe that chastity can be a benefit to many relationships that are in, otherwise, less than perfect health. It's not the end all and be all of sexual happiness for everyone. But in many cases, it can be a relationship saver!

Choose chastity or not, it's up to you. But if you haven't tried it...

1 comment:

  1. That's the top of my list too... followed by a few others, but I agree.
